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무료 꽃/식물 스톡 사진 및 이미지

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Beautiful Royalty Free Flower Images and Plant Photos to Download

Flower images and plant photos are popular visuals for different projects, including print materials, digital design, fashion design, and product packaging. Flowers depict elegance, sweetness, and wellbeing as they bloom. They are famous for their natural beauty and are visually attractive. Flower images capture the realistic colors and distinct personalities of each type of flower.

In addition to their colors, they tell fascinating stories through symbolism. Sunflowers can represent existence and life span, owing to their long-lasting blooms. Roses unsurprisingly represent emotional intimacy. Plumerias, which you may recognize as the flower showcased on Hawaiian leis, can represent spring and new beginnings.

Flower images and plant photos are inspiring, whether you see them originally or in a photograph. We have got you covered if you are out of fresh cherry floret or too lazy to get to the store. These flower photos are stunning. If you want to spruce up your garden, need a smartphone screen background, or want to purchase a bunch for yourself, these images will make for excellent inspiration.

What are flower images and plant photos?

Flower images and plant photos are images of flowers and plants, such as plants with or without seeds, mosses, conifers, orchids, grasses, ferns, algae, liverworts, cycads, vines, flowering perennial plants, ivy, flowering annual plants, ginkgo, and so on. The sizes and colors of the flowers and plants in the photos may differ. We can find photos of plants and flowers almost anywhere: in newspapers, photo albums, magazines, advertisements, on the screens of your devices, on countless posts and sharing on social networks, and in a variety of other daily activities.

The popularity of flower images and plant photos

Seasonal flowers and plants (in summer, spring, winter, and autumn) such as lotus, sakura, ginkgo, sunflowers, and so on; flowers and plants in various locations (forest, at the florist', indoors, and water surface); and plants and flowers with multiple colors (yellow, pink, red, purple, and green) are some of the most popular flower images and plant photos on photoAC. Flower images and plant photos are suitable for adverts, blog posts, and social media posts.

Types of flower images and plant photos on photoAC

Flower images and plant photos are global, resonating across languages and cultures. There are about 400,000 varieties of flowers worldwide, and each one is unique in terms of shape, color, and significance. We have selected high-quality flower imagery that depicts the stunning assortment of colors and textures found in flower petals. We also offer floral images with unique styles that represent different aspects of flowers, from charming to elegant.

We have included a range of flower images, including typical flowers and unpopular species with their names, for fascinating facts about the lovely flowering.

Do you know that using myrtle in a bridal bouquet is a royal custom?

In addition, if you want to rejuvenate your yard, we have indicated the blooming period of some of these flowers. These beautiful flowers, ranging from sunflowers to tulips to roses, are a guarantee for inspiration.

- Flower background and wallpaper



Fern is a class of Polypodiopsida, a nonflowering vascular plant with actual roots, stalks, and compound leave that multiply by spores.

- Flower and plant in different seasons



This sticky flower with glossy and thick leaves is known for its strong scent in perfumes. Gardenias are evergreen plants that may grow up to 8 feet tall and thrive in humid environments.

Bloom seasons: Depending on the type, they might bloom at different times of the year. It appears in the summer and spring.



They are commonly known as Peruvian lilies and come in vibrant colors, such as orange, purple, and pink. Alstroemerias are simple to cultivate without much attention, and they are great for flower bouquets.

Bloom season: Summer



Roses have numerous species and blossom in a wide range of lovely colors. These romantic flowers aren't just for Valentine's Day; they will also look beautiful in your garden.

Bloom season: Summer.



These trumpet-shaped flowers are common in flowerbeds, simple to cultivate, and available in different colors.

Bloom seasons: Summer, spring, and fall



These colorful flowers, which are species of the sunflower family, bloom throughout the summer with bright sunlight and can withstand warm summers.

Bloom seasons: Summer, spring, and fall.

Water Lily


These beauties appear in bright colors such as purple, yellow, and pink. They make a lovely accent to water landscapes and natural or artificial ponds.

Bloom seasons: Fall and summer



Tulips herald the approach of spring; they generally bloom around March. Some species have a single flower, while a few varieties might have up to four flowers on a stalk. Most species require lots of midday sunshine.

Bloom seasons: Spring



These star-shaped flowers are available in a range of vibrant colors. These scented flowers are easy to maintain and attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

Bloom seasons: Spring and summer

Charles Pearson


It is a rhododendron (with an interesting name) with purple or brown freckling on its funnel-shaped, pink-tinged petals.

Bloom seasons: Summer, spring, and fall



Sunflowers beautify your garden and provide a lot of nectar that might attract bees. They require six to eight hours of sunshine every day.

Bloom season: Summer



While there are other types of anemones, this one is unique for its broad black cores, which contrast sharply with the red, purple, and white petals.

Bloom season: Fall and spring



These star-shaped blooms grow in clusters and have thick foliage. We enjoy how easy they are to care for and attract pollinators.

Bloom season: Summer and fall

Craigton Blue Corydalis


These drooping blue bulbs with crimson stalks are highly scented. This might be your "something blue" since it looks like a wedding bell.

Bloom season: Spring, fall, and summer



The fluffy white myrtle, characterized by its fine hairs, has a long history of appearing in the bridal bouquets of British royals.

Bloom season: Summer and spring

Corn Poppy


These papaver rhoeas, also known as corn, field, or common poppies, are annual wildflowers that have become a reminder of the bloodshed during World War I.

Bloom season: Spring and summer



These perennial blooms are available in different colors and require a lot of sunshine and dry soil.

Bloom season: Summer

Meadow Sage


The salvia plant, often known as meadow sage, has rich purple and royal blue blooms available in warmer colors, and they thrive in hot, dry weather.

Bloom season: Spring, summer, and fall



Ranunculus flowers comprise tight petal circles that appear in warm, bright colors such as orange, yellow, pink, red, and white.

Bloom season: Summer



Orchids are found everywhere and share the symmetry of human faces. This bilateral symmetry means that the two halves mirror each other when divided vertically along the center.

Bloom season: Different seasons



Castilleja is also known as Indian paintbrushes and grows throughout the Western and Southwestern United States. These unusual yet beautiful wildflowers live by "borrowing" nutrients from the roots of neighboring plants.

Bloom season: Spring



With their beautiful five petals and quirky stamens, these charming wildflowers resemble a doodle of a flower, and since they bloom in the winter, they are popularly referred to as the Santa rose.

Bloom season: Winter



Dahlias come in a wide range of colors and flourish in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. They bloom from midsummer to the first frost, so there is still time to enjoy their splendor.

Bloom seasons: Summer and fall



Azaleas grow in gently shaded regions in the spring. Excessive sunshine can scorch their leaves, while insufficient light can deprive them of oxygen. They are magnificent houseplants if grown properly.

Bloom season: Spring



Peonies are popular for bridal bouquets due to their fluffy profusion of petals, pink and cream colors, and peak season in spring.

Bloom seasons: Spring and summer

- Flowers and plants for different events

Flowers are traditional gifts at celebrations such as weddings, birthdays, valentine's day, and Mother's day, therefore it makes sense to add flower imagery into your creative efforts. Cards are the easiest way to display flower images and plant photos for Mother's Day.

Consider using these flower images, a floral border, or a minimalist card with an illustrated bouquet in the middle. With several photos online, you may locate an illustration or pre-made card layouts depicting your recipient's preferred flower.



There are over a hundred species of rose and countless varieties. The majority of rose species are native to Asia, with some in Africa, North America, and Europe.

Roses are often used in the floral industry to make a blossoming bouquet that can be instantly gorgeous, and they are the type of flower that may be excellent for practically any event. Roses come in a range of colors other than white and red, and they have enormous blossoms that can grow on plants or as climbing types.



Ranunculus are sometimes mistaken for peonies due to their multi-petaled bloom, and it is another spring flower mainstay. It is a flowering plant with about 500 species, although the most commonly mentioned is the ranunculus asiaticus - a cultivated version.

The asiaticus is indigenous to the Mediterranean and northern Africa. The flower has a moderately pleasant aroma and is considered a protected plant in several parts of the world.



The cupped flower has fewer petals compared to a rose or ranunculus. It has a distinct peppery scent, and they come in pink, purple, lavender, or two different colors.

The Lisianthus is native to the United States' southern states, Mexico, and northern South America. These flowers are popular among locals since they bloom in flower fields near San Diego. Their name means 'smooth flower,' and they blossom with one or two blooms per stem.

Blooming Branches


The first flowering trees and shrubs of spring are dogwood, lilac, and forsythia, heralding the arrival of a season. One of the most scented and lovely spring blossoming trees is the lilac, which has a rich lavender bloom.

They require a lengthy, cold winter to blossom beautifully in the spring. The forsythia flowers are a striking yellow and a little yellow flower used as a filler. Forsythia has risen from the depths of obscurity to become a popular flower in modern floral arrangements.

Dogwood flowers are white and pink, and the majority of dogwood branches are in the eastern United States or northern Mexico. Each of these blossoming branches would be an excellent addition to any spring event or wedding bouquet.

Phalaenopsis Orchid


The phalaenopsis orchid, sometimes known as the "moth orchid," is native to Southeast Asia, China, Taiwan, and the Indian Subcontinent and grown in greenhouses around the San Diego region.

They come in a brilliant array of colors, including hot pink, deep orange, vibrant yellow, yellow cream, and white, and are ideal for modern bridal bouquets and centerpieces.

The large, flat petals of the flower can be solid, speckled, or striped, making it one of the most luxuriant flowers to use in arrangements. If properly maintained, the blooms can stay for weeks, if not months.

- Cut out flowers, leaves, and plants.


The Wedding Bridesmaid Bouquet has orange, yellow, and peach colors with green accents that resemble a summer sunset. This gorgeous bouquet anchors textural pincushion protea, yellow and orange Pom Pom Dahlias, peachy roses, Gobi roses, and peachy Grevillea, and accented with Arbutus leaves and berries, Huckleberry greenery, and Elegaeanus foliage.

Four types of satin ribbons comprise the collection of five strands in shades of gold, cream, taupe, mustard, and mauve that provide the tail and binding of the Earthy Bridesmaid Bouquet.

How to use Flower Images and Plant Photos

- For background and wallpaper

When looking for a flower image to utilize as a website backdrop, strike a balance between visible and invisible.

Because your website backdrop serves as the basis for all of your content, it should complement rather than distract from your other visual aspects. For your background and wallpaper, we recommend using simple flower photos.

You may select among seamless flower patterns, similar to the print of a spring dress. You may also choose a single non-repeating picture of a bouquet distant from the center on a solid backdrop. This will leave some space for text, a button, or whatever you need to include as messaging.

- For social media

Try to use a flower image as your Facebook cover photo to include floral imagery in your social media presence. Cover photographs are the first thing people see when they visit your page, and a vibrant, stunning floral image will encourage everybody who views it. Try a flower shot with a bright, full bouquet on a dark background if you want to make a statement.

The contrast will draw attention to the blooms and create a strong statement. Try a flower image if you want to make a charming entrance. Soft watercolor flower images work well for pages with a more feminine appearance and feel.

- For website

Flower images and plant photos are critical materials for website development. They are generally appealing, so you are confident that the majority of your visitors, regardless of their background, will enjoy what they see. Use a wide-sweeping landscape as background photos, or use dramatic, high-contrast images in your header graphics or banner advertising.

Flower images and plant photos provide an appealing setting, which means your content will stand out on its own, whether you are selling pet items or booking beauty appointments. Flower images and plant photos work with any platform.